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What is the difference between remove() and discard() ?

Both remove() and discard() is used to remove an element from Set. The only difference is discard() does not return error if the element does not exist in Set. The best example of this use-case is to get set of jenkins jobs run a specific node but ignore job with name test-job.

Can you perform pop() operation on Sets ?

Yes pop() method can be used on Sets. However, Sets are unordered, So performing pop() may be result in removing an unwanted element.

What is the difference between difference() and symmetric_difference() ?

symmetric_difference() returns a set that contains all items from both sets, except items that are present in both sets.

Symmetric Difference:


Can I add List to a Set in Python ?

Yes. Output will be a Set.


Write a program to verify if two lists have at-least one element in common.

def intersection(a, b):
    s1 = set(a)
    s2 = set(b)
    return s1.intersection(s2)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Create two lists of your choice.
    a = [10, 12, 31, 44, 56]
    b = [16, 71, 98, 91, 10]
    s3 = intersection(a, b)

    if len(s3) > 0: